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Find and read all publication from Luís Vilar and colleagues

A major role of the an university professor is to produce knowledge that can significant influence practices. This knowledge has to have recognised importance and undoubtful consistence in the experimental protocol so that results are not ambiguous or biased. Such knowledge has to be written in a clear format without non-specific and too general contents because it would take too much time to read. Here you can find the written communications that Luís Vilar and colleagues have published for the past years.


One of the most proficient mean of communication is trough scientific papers published on international journals with peer-review. Between, submission and publication, this process can take a couple of years. Here you can find papers already published. The ones in progress are not here (yet).


Some of the top international scientific meetings, most usual the ones organised by journals, guarantee that the submitted abstracts are to be published in the journal after acceptance in the given conference. This is not very usual, but here you can find some!


Once in a while, results from scientific experiments constitute an argument worthwhile to communicate to people interest in a specific theme and not much on the methods supporting them. Books under specific topics are edited, and different authors contribute with different chapters summing their research's results that point to specific arguments. Here you can find small contributes on this matter produced by Luís Vilar and colleagues!



Not often, researchers publish books that contain the work of years of research activities that produce evidence on specific decisions of practitioners. Such argumentation is produced in a more tutorial fashion so that is more didactic for students or coaches, for example. Here you can find them!


Students of sports sciences and many others often ask for complementary literature that we used to guide our research. In this link you will find different topics of development and the most cited papers for those specific arguments. Hope you enjoy!


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